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April 17, 2019Λαμπρινή Καρακώστα: Ακούγομαι;Η Λαμπρινή Καρακώστα, η ερμηνεύτρια που όλοι γνωρίσαμε κυρίως από την 4ετή συνεργασία της με τον Σωκράτη Μάλαμα, μας συστήνεται τώρα ως τραγουδοποιός, παρουσιάζοντας τις πολύχρωμες στιγμές της στο πρώτο της προσωπικό άλμπουμ, όπου υπογράφει τη μουσική και τους στίχους, με τίτλο «Ακούγομαι;».
2019-03-26Γιώτα Νέγκα: Οι Κασέτες Του ΜελωδίαΚάθε μήνα, αγαπημένοι καλλιτέχνες παρουσιάζουν ζωντανά τις Κασέτες που έφτιαξαν ειδικά για τον Μελωδία, σε μια συναυλία μόνο για τους ακροατές μας. Καλεσμένη μας την Τρίτη 26 Μαρτίου 2019 η Γιώτα Νέγκα, που εμφανίστηκε στη μουσική σκηνή μας μπροστά σε τυχερούς ακροατές του Μελωδία 99.2.

Μπουζούκι | λαούτο | μπαγλαμάς: Νίκος Κατσίκης
Drums: Κώστας Μυλωνάς
Ακορντεόν: Dasho Kurti
Κιθάρα: Βασίλης Κετεντζόγλου
Μπάσο: Αλέξανδρος Τράμπας
Ηχοληψία: Βασίλης Μιχαηλίδης

Video: Whatever Productions https://www.whateverproductions.gr/
Σκηνογραφία: Γιάννης Αρβανίτης http://yannisarvanitis.com/


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#melodia992 #piasemelodia #kasetestoumelodia

2019-02-14Mario Frangoulis & Big Band: P.S. I Love YouΔύο μαγικές βραδιές, βγαλμένες από τα κορυφαία Concert Halls του κόσμου, με τον Μάριο Φραγκούλη και μια αστραφτερή Big Band απολαύσαμε στις 13 και 14 Φεβρουαρίου στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών
November 16, 2018Στην Υγειά Μας - Αφιέρωμα στον Μάριο ΦραγκούληΗ εκπομπή ''Στην Υγειά Μας" του Σπύρου Παπαδόπουλου, αφιερωμένη στον Μάριο Φραγκούλη.
June 23, 2018Παύλος Παυλίδης: Strings & VoicesΠαύλος Παυλίδης | Strings & Voices.
11 άτομα επί σκηνής συνθέτουν τη νέα μουσική πρόταση του Παύλου Παυλίδη. Βιολί, βιόλα, βιολοντσέλο από το κουαρτέτο Aenaon 4tet της Κρατικής Ορχήστρας Αθηνών, οι fonέs, το συγκρότημα της Μαρίνας Σάττι, keybords και κιθάρα δημιουργούν ένα μοναδικό μουσικό σύνολο.
Παίζουν οι μουσικοί:
Μαρίνα Σάττι - vocals & live loops
Ορέστης Μπενέκας - keyboards, vocals
Αλέκος Βουλγαράκης - guitars

Ελένη Ποζατζίδου
Βιργινία Φραγκούλατζη
Ερασμία Μαρκίδη

Aenaon 4tet της Κρατικής Ορχήστρας Αθηνών
Γιώργος Μάνδυλας, βιολί
Βασίλης Σούκας, βιολί
Μάνος Γουβέλης, βιόλα
Αστέριος Πούφτης, βιολοντσέλο

Ενορχήστρωση εγχόρδων
Αλέξανδρος Τράμπας

Βασίλης Κεχαγιάς

Οργάνωση Παραγωγής
Βασίλης Μπακατσής


April 24, 2018Ταξιδεύοντας από το Μπαρόκ στην Τζάζ στο Μέγαρο ΜουσικΟ Τηλέμαχος Μούσας, η Νάσια Γκόφα και ο Νίκος Γιούσεφ μας ταξιδεύουν από το μπαρόκ στη τζαζ από τη σκηνή του Μεγάρου την Τετάρτη 9 Μαΐου 2018.
January 21, 2017Giota Nega Tonight on ALPHA network-GreeceWatch us perform with Giota Nega on Saturday January 21st, on the Greek TV network ALPHA, at 9 PM (UTC+02:00).
January 10, 2017Giota Nega at "Stin Ygeia Mas"We will be appearing on the ALPHA TV show "Stin Ygeia Mas Re Paidia" with Giota Nega and special guests.

December 4, 2016Recording with the QuartetDemo recording with the Vassilis Drogaris Quartet.

We recorded 4-track demo at the studio Mythos, with Thanasis Gikas engineering the session.
Will post some music soon!

Vassilis Drogaris - Accordion, Percussion, Arrangements
Vassiliki Mazaraki - Violin
Kostas Papakostopoulos - Guitar
Alexander Trampas - Upright Bass

October 26, 2016Listening Event: Lawrence "Larry" Watson's New CD: PrescriptionsWednesday, October 26 at 8 PM - 10 PM EDT
Streamed live on the Internet: http://bit.ly/Berklee_VS1

Lawrence "larry" Watsons' listening event at Berklee College of Music.
Join us on line Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 8:00 PM when I will facilitate a discussion and release of my current 11 new recordings under the title "Prescriptions." We will start at 7:30 P.M. with some classic videos I use in my teaching and creative work around the country. We may play during the lead up to the event some selected cuts from the CD " The Journey" and "American Fruit with African Roots."

“Linear Note for Prescriptions”
Sankofa! He has done it again! The medicine man, Lawrence Watson, the truest keeper of the tradition that I know of has provided Prescriptions. Not art for art’s sake, but music for the healing and restoration of the human spirit.
Educated in the tradition of our musician priest, Larry has used refined senses and ancestral knowledge to identify the medicine present in our musical environment; from pop to jazz to spirituals. In keeping with African traditions of healing, he has activated the medicinal power contained in each song through his Word Power, Watson as the elder has called together the ancestors, the forces of nature and the will of the almighty in this sacred record(re-cord). The circle is unbroken.
Sankofa! The spirit of Truth is reborn. The message is clear. Through God’s power, self reflection, love, intimate communication, and harmony with what is natural, we can and must save ourselves.

Philip Doran Bailey, Berklee alum and vocalist,percussionist for Earth Wind and Fire.

Comment from former student and friend

Larry just listened to your new CD and absolutely loved it. It brought back so many amazing memories. Your voice continues to amaze me. Powerful, soulful and yet incredibly tender. I have been so fortunate in this life time to have been the beneficiary of your talent and teachings. You were born a leader and a story teller. This music is indeed a reflection of your greatness.

Tony Grey Bassist and Founder of Tony Grey Bass Academy

May 4, 2016Thaïsa Olivia Interview at WWOZ 90.7FMWe will play on the radio at 1 pm WWOZ 90.7 FM

Thaïsa Olivia (v)
Christian Doepke (p)
Alexander Trampas (b)
Kirk Duplantis (d)

For more music and information, check:

April 5, 2016Lawrence Watson "Subscriptions" to be released in June 2016!

WATSON TO RELEASE NEW CD OF STANDARDS:PRESCRIPTIONS Fans and friends.......You are in for a treat when I complete this...

Posted by Lawrence Watson on Monday, April 4, 2016

March 27, 2016Rev Yogi album "Dignity" out today!

The world needs beautiful music now! Let it be so !

Released March 27, 2016

Guest Artists :
Alexander Trampas- Upright Bass
Shawn Myers- Drums
Ashton Hines- Trumpet
David Ginger- Trombone

Written, Performed, and Produced by : Matthew Elliot Gooden
Recorded by Gio Blackmon at Bad Storm Studio, New Orleans, LA
on Jan. 18 & 22 , 2016
Post Production Design by Gio Blackmon

Copyright Matthew Elliot Gooden Music 2016

February 23, 2016RecordingToday we record with legendary New Orleans master guitarist Warren Battiste! More news to come!!

January 22, 2016RecordingA great recording happened today at Bad Storm Studios for mutli-instrumentalist and composer Rêverend Yogi. Album is expected to come out on Febrouary 12th. More details to come soon, so stay tuned for some great free-composed music!

January 15, 2016Demi Pointe by Talin Avakian"Demi Point" has won:

– "Indie Soul Best Picture Award" at the Boston International Film Festival in 2013,
– "Audience Award" at the Online New England Film Festival in 2013,

and was also the Official Selection at the:

– Worcester Armenian Film Festival in 2013,
– Filmshift Festival in 2013, and the
– Pomegranate Film Festival in 2013.

Congratulations to Talin and everyone else involved in the process!!

July 10, 2015Anna Stereopoulou: circe :the black cut:" album + projecteng] Tonight, Friday, July 10th 2015, on LiveStream @ 23:00 CET

ελλ] Απόψε, Παρασκευή, 10 Ιουλίου 2015 @ 00:00 (ώρα ελλάδος

eng] ...you can listen to the radio show "Doctore Xyramat" on FSK/Hamburg. A presentation of the "circe :the black cut:" album + project, as well as some spoken thoughts by Anna Stereopoulou -in English- about our era, will be broadcast on the show starting @ 23:00 CET

ελλ] ...μπορείτε να ακούσετε, σε ζωντανή μετάδοση την ραδιοφωνική εκπομπή "Doctore Xyramat" στον Freies Sender Kombinat, όπου θα παρουσιαστεί το album “circe :the black cut:”, συνοδευόμενο από κάποιες σκέψεις -ηχογραφημένες /στα αγγλικά-σχετικά με την εποχή μας, αλλά και το εν λόγω project. Έναρξη εκπομπής: 00:00 (ώρα ελλάδος

May 22, 2015RecordingRecording with the East Coast Scoring Orchestra.
May 10, 2015RecordingLarry Watson and Alvin Foster are recording Larry's third album, titled "Prescriptions".
The music is a culmination of a 40-year singing career with a group of “healing songs” Larry has sung.
We are putting together an orchestra to record with, at a new studio in South Boston.
We will record seven pieces of music altogether.


May 5, 2015EP ReleaseJenn Allen's EP "Caravan" is out. Please listen and purchase if you like it!

While a student at Berklee, trumpeter and composer Jenn Allen produced, recorded, and self-released her first album, an EP written for dectet entitled “Caravan”. On “Caravan”, Jenn’s compositions bridge the gap between her musical and cultural heritage, blending the harmonies, forms, and rhythms of her jazz upbringing with the Middle-Eastern music she learned about from her Armenian grandfather.
released 01 March 2012

all compositions & arrangements by jenn allen, except “caravan”- composed by ellington/ tizol (arr j . allen)

matt savage- piano track 1/ nery kim- piano tracks 2-4
alexander trampas- bass/ basil al bader- drums
tareq rantisi- percussion/ jenn allen – trumpet
ido meshulam- trombone & valve trombone
jessi lee- soprano sax tracks 1-2/ alto sax track 3
zac zinger- soprano sax track 4/ felix peikli- clarinet tracks 1,2
eitan goffman- clarinet track 3/ myles davis- clarinet track 4
layth sidiq- violin/ tom holdener- cello tracks 1-3
naseem alatrash- cello track 4
brian arnold- engineer, overdubs, mix tracks 1-3
tyler scott –final mix and mastering tracks 1-3

tracks 1-3 recorded at the record company, boston december 2011/ track 4 recorded live at the berklee performance center, boston january 2012

March 5, 2014Cloud Ludum performance at Galery 263 CambridgeHere is a free improvised composition based on graphic notation score by Kevin Strang. The instruction was "Transparent".
February 25, 2014Alisa Apreleva "About Love"New album, "About Love", is out on January 25 2014! Smile, breathe, enjoy and share love!
February 4, 2014Cloud Ludum Album Out Soon!Our debut album finally found a mixing engineer! Things are moving well and we hope to finish it before summer!
Aaaand on a tiny tiny news - we finally bought a video camera for CL! Which means that there will be some nice videos soon! In a mean time, please enjoy two new audio tracks on our soundcloud page

April 14, 2013Panagiotis Koufogiannis Rooftop SessionRooftop video shoot for Panagiotis Koufogianis.

March 17, 2013Greek Music Ensemble at Sfinakia.fmPanos Liaropoulos, co-founder and musical director of the Greek Music Ensemble will be interviewed live on Sfinakia FM
December 17, 2012Recording with Cloud LudumRecording with Anastasiya Dumma and Cloud Ludum.
May 14, 2012Recording with Alisa Apreleva at The Record Company

May 14, 2012Recording with Singer/Cellist Alisa Apreleva

May 6, 2012Maria Tsaliki will record my "Sonata for Piano and an Imaginary Friend"

May 1, 2012 & May 4Recording with Anastasiya Dumma at The Record Company

March 29, 2012Recording with faculty of the Jazz Composition departmentRecording with faculty of the Jazz Composition department for the 2012Spring semester woodwind project, as part of the Big Band Arranging and Score Analysis Class.

March 26, 2012ALEA III Performs my composition "Darkasm" at the 2012 Composer's Workshop

Free admission

A 9-month long project leading to a weekend of open rehearsals and a public performance of new works by talented young composers from around the world, written for ALEA III.

Boston University - Berklee College of Music - Boston Conservatory - Bard College Conservatory

7 Composers - 7 Premières - 2 Continents - 4 Countries

Participating Composers

Ioannis Angelakis (Greece)

Anteo Fabris (Switzerland)

Igor Iwanek (Poland)

Dylan Mattingly (USA)

Heather Stebbins (USA)

Adria Stolk (USA)

Alexander Trampas (Greece)

March 11, 2012Release of: Sing for Japan ~Japan Earthquake/Tsunami relief charity CD project~
March 8, 2012Recording for Marco Angeloni

February 27, 2012Recording for Karien De Waal

February 14, 2012Bass techniques demonstration at Arnold Friedman's Scoring for Strings Class at Berklee Colege of M

February 9, 2012Demi Pointe by Talin AvakianFilmaker Talin Avakian asked me to collaborate with her on writing the music for the short film "Demi Pointe". Here is the official trailer:
December 21, 2011Recording with Vocalist Inna Dudukina at MixOne Studios

December 19, 2011Recording with the Swing Thieves

December 12, 2011Jenn Allen +9 Recording at the Record Company

November 18, 2011Recording

Recording with the Greek Music Ensemble for our second album!

August 24, 2011Sing for Japan

Japan Earthquake/Tsunami relief charity CD project

August 11, 2011Recording

Recording with Anastasiya Dumma

July 22, 2011Recording

Recording with producer Erik Schuster

June 8, 2011New Video

Video of "Deep Light", performed by the Yes/No/Maybe Septet at Berklee College of Music (Jenn Allen- trumpet, Zac Zinger- soprano, Ido Meshulam- trombone, Nery Kim- piano, Leo Shimizu- frame drums, Alex Trampas- bass, Basil Al Bader- drums.)

May 3, 2011Recording

Recording with Tiziano Bianchi's Moon Cherry

April 23, 2011Recording

Recording with Film Composer Jon Yellin

April 22, 2011Recording

Recording with producer Stephanie Tham May Sze at MixOne Studios

April 19, 2011Fire & Ice

Performance of Alex Czilag's "Fire & Ice" with the Scholarship String Quintet

April 8, 2011Recording

Recording of "Fantasia for Harp Quartet". Jessica Brizuela, Kyle Oppenheimer, Olivia Fortunato and Juana Aquerreta. Recording by Alex Syner

March 26, 2011Performance of my composition at the 2012 Alea III Composers Workshop

March 25, 2011Recording

Recording with Film Composer Justin Ramos

Alexander Trampas was born in 1982 in Athens, Greece. At a very young age he had his first experience with the violin, and later piano and guitar, but the bass was the one that inspired him the most.

His influences include people who have inspired him over the years, recordings he listens to, live performances he has attended or played in, and anything musical or not, but with a deep meaning under its surface.

During his career as a bass player and composer/arranger he has collaborated on and off stage with musicians like Larry Monroe, Greg Badolato, Greg Hopkins, The Zulal Trio, The Esterhazy String Quartet, Theodore Antoniou, The Women of the World, Ron Savage, Dennis Montgomery III, Ricardo Monzon, Felice Pomeranz, Mario Frangoulis, Maestro Jorge Calandrelli, Dulce Pontes, Tammy McCann, George Perris, Pavlos Pavlidis, Giota Nega, Eleftheria Arvanitaki, Marina Satti, Joe Tornabene, Eriko Daimo, Yannis Papatriantafyllou and Dimitris Tsakas, among others.

He holds a quadruple degree in Jazz Composition, Performance, Film Scoring and Classical Composition from Berklee College of Music, and a dual diploma in Electric Bass and Upright Bass from Philippos Nakas Conservatory. He also received diplomas in Harmony, Counterpoint and Fugue, from Rythmos Music School as a student of Manolis Kavalos. He is fortunate enough to have studied composition and performance with great musicians like Greg Hopkins, John Bavicchi, John Lockwood, and Bob Pilkington. In 2022 he earned a diploma in Classical Contrabass, after studying with Tasos Kazaglis.

In 2014 he was asked to be the music director of the globally acclaimed classical vocalist, named “Best Male Classical Crossover Artist”, Mario Frangoulis, and has directed Mario's shows in the Peabody Opera House in St. Louis, MO as an opening act for Smokey Robinson, the Hanover Theatre in Worcester, MA and the Tribeca Performing Arts Center in New York, NY, where Mario Frangoulis was awarded for his passionate advocacy of Hellenism, at the 19th Annual Phidippides Award Gala Dinner.

As an arranger, he has collaborated with composers such as George Hatzinasios, Stamatis Spanoudakis, Evanthia Rebutsika, Pavlos Pavlidis, and others, and has arranged for various types of ensembles, including the ERT Contemporary Music Orchestra, the Thessaloniki City Symphony Orchestra, the Mixed Choir of Thessaloniki, Marina Satti and Fonés, and Mario Frangoulis' Big Band, among others.

He has been involved in various ways in many different projects as a composer, sideman or arranger, and also has lead the Pocket Jazz Orchestra, a ten-piece band that performed mostly his original music. He believes that what makes his music beautiful is a combination of the written and the improvised element, the personal and the collective "composition" in a way that depends equally on the performance and the players as well as the composer.

His lifelong dream is to write and perform music while traveling around the world. Usually he spends his time composing, practicing the bass, jamming or rehearsing with other musicians or sequencing and listening to music.
A special concert for Voice for Veterans, which seeks to give aid and housing to homeless veterans, took place at The Peabody Opera House on Sunday night (December 6, 2015), and it was a simply joyous experience. Sometimes benefit shows can be a rather somber affair, but that was not the case at all with the pairing of international singing star Mario Frangoulis and the legendary Smokey Robinson. In fact, it was a very enjoyable evening that showcased the talents of both artists who each made the point that homelessness and veteran are two words that should never be associated. These are, after all, men and women who serve our country with the knowledge that they may never make it back, or if they do, may find themselves disabled, or without a place they can call home. If you attended, then you know this was a great cause that featured superb talent giving their all to bring this issue to the forefront, while delivering entertaining and moving sets.Chris GibsonBroadway World.com-St.Louis
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The concert was a tribute to Nikos Gatsos, the poet from the Arcadia region of the Peloponnesos whose work was immortalized by Greece’s great 20th century composers.TNH StaffThe National Herald
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Σπανιότατα μας έρχονται στα αόρατα γραφεία μας δουλειές που έχουν τον χαρακτήρα της σπουδής πάνω σε θέματα της Αρχαιοελληνικής παράδοσης. Αυτό εδώ το άλμπουμ όμως, είναι κάτι παραπάνω από ένα απλό έργο που βασίζεται στην ιστορία της Κίρκης. Υπάρχει ένα πλάτεμα στις συνθέσεις στις οποίες εισχωρούν στοιχεία μακρινών μουσικών παραδόσεων, δίνοντας ένα ιδιαίτερο χαρακτήρα σε αυτό που ακούμε.

Χρειάζεται μια υποτυπώδης προσοχή στην συγκεκριμένη ακρόαση, μιας και οι φωνές, το πιάνο, οι ατμόσφαιρες και οι λιγοστοί θόρυβοι που παρελαύνουν κάνουν μέχρι και ιδιότροπο τον όλο δίσκο. Η επαναληπτικότητα σε κάποιες ιδέες κάνει ορισμένα κομμάτια να διαρκούν πολύ θυμίζοντας μια μυστηριώδης ταινία που κυλά αργά, με το τέλος να αργεί να φανεί. Υπάρχουν βεβαίως και στιγμές εμπνευσμένες που είναι σαν η neoclassical να απαρνιέται την ακαδημαϊκότητα της, κυρίως στα καθαρά ορχηστρικά κομμάτια. Η γραφή είναι πυκνή, οι στίχοι απλώνονται με διάφορους τρόπους και είναι σαν να μην μπορεί να προσδιοριστεί η ακριβής χρονική διάσταση του έργου, σαν έναν μύθο που κανείς δεν θυμάται από που ξεκίνησε να διαδίδεται. Όπως κανείς μύθος δεν έγινε γνωστός για τις ισορροπίες που διέθετε, έτσι κι εδώ τα πάντα είναι σαν να στερεώνονται επικίνδυνα και περίτεχνα πάνω από το κενό.Mpampis KoltranisAgainst The Silence
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Past Performances

Philippos Nakas Conservatory
Athens, Greece
Through The Eyes of a Child... Γιάννης Γιαννάκος
Philippos Nakas Conservatory
Athens, Greece
Mario Frangoulis: Christmas in Athens
Megaron Athens Concert Hall
Athens, Greece
Mario Frangoulis: Christmas in Athens
Megaron Athens Concert Hall
Athens, Greece
Christmas Theater
Galátsion, Greece
Christmas Theater
Galátsion, Greece
Mario Frangoulis - Private Event
Megaron Athens Concert Hall
Athens, Greece
Mario Frangoulis - Private Event
Megaron Athens Concert Hall
Athens, Greece
Μάριος Φραγκούλης - Γαλάζια Λίμνη
Δημοτικό Θέατρο Μελίνα Μερκούρη
Volos, Greece
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Φαληρικά 2019
Παλαιό Φάληρο
Γιώργος Χατζηνάσιος - Αρσάκειο
Odeon of Herodes Atticus
Athens, Greece
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Φεστιβάλ ΚΝΕ
Μάριος Φραγκούλης - Γαλάζια Λίμνη
Eastern Moat Theatre
Crete, Greece
Μάριος Φραγκούλης - Γαλάζια Λίμνη
Nikos Kazantzakis Theatre
Crete, Greece
Μάριος Φραγκούλης and Big Band Orchestra - Blue
Herod Atticus Odeon
Athens, Greece
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Γιορτή Μελιού - Σχολικό Συγκρότημα
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Πλατεία Αθανάτων
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Προαύλιος Χώρος της Ιεράς Μητρόπολ
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Πολυχώρος ARTίκι
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Κινηματογράφος Ελληνίς
Μάριος Φραγκούλης - Γαλάζια Λίμνη
Αρχαίο Θέατρο της Αιγείρας
Μάριος Φραγκούλης - Γαλάζια Λίμνη
Θέατρο Νταμάρι Αλίκη Βουγιουκλάκη
Μάριος Φραγκούλης - Γαλάζια Λίμνη
Moni Lazaristwn
Thessaloniki, GR
Μάριος Φραγκούλης - Γαλάζια Λίμνη
Veakeio Theatre
Pireas, Greece
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Πόρτο Χέλι
Γιώτα Νέγκα - Φεστιβάλ Πηνειού
Κοίτη Πηνειού
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Θεατρο Βραχων Βυρωνα
Clio K. Harp Trio
Νέα Σμύρνη
Clio K. - "Η Τεχνη Μέσα από τα Μάτια των
Amalias 36
Jacqueline de Romilly
Ο Κλασικός Κόσμος της Τζαζ
Philippos Nakas Conservatory
Athens, Greece
Το Καρουζέλ Της Αγάπης
Γιώτα Νέγκα - Φύλλο Ανδρικό 2
Zorbas Project - Private Event
Vorres Museum
live stage του Μελωδία 99.2
Γιώτα Νέγκα - Φύλλο Ανδρικό 2
Block 33
Γιώτα Νέγκα - Φύλλο Ανδρικό 2
Το Μινόρε
Γιώτα Νέγκα - Φύλλο Ανδρικό 2
Stage Ioannina
Mario Frangoulis & Big Band - P.S. I Love You
Megaron Athens Concert Hall
Athens, Greece
Mario Frangoulis & Big Band - P.S. I Love You
Megaron Athens Concert Hall
Athens, Greece
Γιώτα Νέγκα - Φύλλο Ανδρικό 2
Οδός Ονείρων
Γιώτα Νέγκα - Φύλλο Ανδρικό 2
Γιώτα Νέγκα - Φύλλο Ανδρικό 2
Χώρος Τεχνών
Music Production for the performing artist
Philippos Nakas Conservatory
Athens, Greece
Γιώτα Νέγκα - Φύλλο Ανδρικό 2
Lab Art
Volos, Greece
Γιώτα Νέγκα - Φύλλο Ανδρικό 2
Μύλος 1927 - Mylos
Clio K. & Solis Barki - Special Guest: Alexandros Trampas
Jazzét Café
Harp and Bass: Clio K with Alexander Trampas
George Perris: Playlist
George Perris: Playlist
Patichion Municipal Theatre
Limassol, Cyprus
George Perris: Playlist
Μέγαρο Χορού Καλαμάτας
Faros - Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre
Kallithea, 17674
George Perris: Playlist
Conference & Cultural Center
Mario Frangoulis
Στην Υγειά Μας Ρε Παιδιά!
Saturday, September, 22, 2018
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Δημοτικό Θέατρο Αλέξης Μινωτής
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Φεστιβάλ ΚΝΕ
Ηράκλειο, Κρήτη
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Φεστιβάλ ΚΝΕ
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Entry Day
Philippos Nakas Cafe
Athens, Greece
Dimitra Selemidou
Private Event
Ekali, Athens
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Γιορτές Παλιάς Πόλης της Ξάνθης
Wednesday, September, 05, 2018
Mario Frangoulis: Ο Έρωτας Γυμνός
Roman Odeon
Saturday, September, 01, 2018
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Δημοτικό Σχολείο Άδενδρου
Friday, August, 31, 2018
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Θέατρο Νταμάρι Αλίκη Βουγιουκλάκη
Άνω Βριλήσσια
Saturday, August, 18, 2018
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Αρχαιολογικό Πάρκο
Αμφίπολη, Σέρες
Mario Frangoulis: Ο Έρωτας Γυμνός
Bourtzi Theatre
Skiathos, Cyclades
Monday, August, 06, 2018
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Γιορτες Ρόκκας
Χανιά, Κρήτη
Mario Frangoulis: Ο Έρωτας Γυμνός, με την Δή
Istiaia, Evoia
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Θέατρο Κάστρου
Mario Frangoulis: Ο Έρωτας Γυμνός
Veakeio Theatre
Pireas, Greece
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Πολυχώρος ARTίκη
Κρανίδι, Αργολίδα
Mario Frangoulis: Ο Έρωτας Γυμνός
Limassol Municipal Gardens Theater
Limassol, Cyprus
Mario Frangoulis: Ο Έρωτας Γυμνός
Makarios III Amphitheatre (School for the Blind)
Nicosia, Cyprus
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Γιώτα Νέγκα - "Ρυθμός Της Λίμνης"
Πάρκο Πολυκάρπης
Mario Frangoulis: Ο Έρωτας Γυμνός
Medieval Moat Theatre
Rhodes, Greece
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Πλατεία Κύπρου
Sunday, July, 01, 2018
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Θέατρο Μυθωδία
Ρέθυμνο, Κρήτη
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Πάρκο Παναγιωτάκη
Ηράκλειο, Κρήτη
Thursday, June, 28, 2018
Mario Frangoulis: Ο Έρωτας Γυμνός
Ανοιχτό Θέατρο Τεχνόπολις
Heraclion, Crete
Wednesday, June, 27, 2018
Mario Frangoulis: Ο Έρωτας Γυμνός
Eastern Moat Theatre
Chania, Crete
Friday, June, 22, 2018
Unity Festival: Γιώτα Νέγκα, Rebetien
Γεωπονικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Μονή Λαζαριστών
Σταυρούπολη, Θεσσαλονίκη
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris - Private Event
Onassis Cultural Centre
Γιώτα Νέγκα
Βεάκειο Θέατρο
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Αναζητώντας τον Αττίκ
Θέατρο Παλλάς
Friday, May 11, 2018
Αναζητώντας τον Αττίκ
Θέατρο Παλλάς
Wednesday, May, 09, 2018
Ταξιδεύοντας από το Μπαρόκ στην Jazz
Βασ.Σοφίας & Κόκκαλη
Wednesday, May 02, 2018
Αναζητώντας τον Αττίκ
Θέατρο Παλλάς
Thursday, April 13, 2018
Αναζητώντας τον Αττίκ
Θέατρο Παλλάς
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Αναζητώντας τον Αττίκ
Θέατρο Παλλάς
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Αναζητώντας τον Αττίκ
Θέατρο Παλλάς
Friday, April 20, 2018
Αναζητώντας τον Αττίκ
Θέατρο Παλλάς
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Αναζητώντας τον Αττίκ
Θέατρο Παλλάς
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Αναζητώντας τον Αττίκ
Θέατρο Παλλάς
Monday, April 2, 2018
George Perris-Playlist
Jenny Karezi Theater
Athens, Greece
Friday, March 30, 2018
George Perris-Playlist
Thessaloniki Concert Hall
Thessaloniki, Greece
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Mario Frangoulis: Stranger in Paradise
Megaron Concert Hall
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
George Perris
Cemal Resit Rey Concert Hall
Istanbul, Turkey
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Mario Frangoulis: In the Mood
Megaron Athens Concert Hall
Athens, Greece
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Mario Frangoulis: In the Mood
Megaron Athens Concert Hall
Athens, Greece
Friday, November 24, 2017
Helene Tzatzimaki Trio
G Bar
Kolwnaki, Athens
Saturday, November 11, 2017
An Evening with Mario Frangoulis (Special Guest: Athena Andreadi
Wilshire Ebell Thetre
Los Angeles, CA
Thursday, November 9, 2017
An Evening with Mario Frangoulis
Théâtre Maisonneuve
Montreal, QC
Monday, November 6, 2017
An Evening with Mario Frangoulis (Special Guest: Frances Rufelle
Rose Theatre, Jazz at Lincoln Center's Frederick P.Rose Hall
New York, NY
Sunday, October 22, 2017
An Evening with Mario Frangoulis (Special Guest: Julie Lea Goodw
City Recital Hall
Sidney, Australia
Friday, October 20, 2017
Private Event
Alpha Restaurant
Sidney, Australia
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Angela Gheorghiu & Mario Frangoulis - My World
Herod Atticus Odeon
Athens, GR
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Giwta Negka - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Festival KNE
Volos, GR
Friday, September 15, 2017
Giwta Negka - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Festival KNE
Thessalonikh, GR
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Giwta Negka - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Rethymnon, Creta, GR
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Giwta Negka - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Heraclion, Creta, GR
Friday, September 1, 2017
Mario Frangoulis - Mikro Nisaki H Kardia
Kourion Ancient Theatre
Limassol, CY
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Mario Frangoulis - Mikro Nisaki H Kardia
Makarios III Amphitheatre (School for the Blind Amphitheatre)
Nicosia, CY
Monday, August 28, 2017
Mario Frangoulis - Mikro Nisaki H Kardia
Dhmos Sykiwn
Thessaloniki, GR
Friday, August 25, 2017
Giwta Negka - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Libadeia, GR
Friday, August 18, 2017
Mario Frangoulis - Mikro Nisaki H Kardia
Aisxyleia Festival - Palaio Elaiourgeio Eleysinas
Eleysina, GR
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Giwta Negka - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Gymnasio-Lykeio-EPA Leonidiou
Monday, August 7, 2017
Mario Frangoulis - Mikro Nisaki H Kardia
Minoan Palace
Malia, Lasithi, Crete
Monday, July 24, 2017
Mario Frangoulis - Mikro Nisaki H Kardia
Pireus, GR
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Mario Frangoulis - Mikro Nisaki H Kardia
Moni Lazaristwn
Thessaloniki, GR
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Mario Frangoulis - Mikro Nisaki H Kardia
Municipal Theatre of ancient Dion
Pieria, GR
Friday, July 14, 2017
Giwta Negka - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
6o Φεστιβάλ Πόζαρ 2017
Pella, GR
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Mario Frangoulis - Mikro Nisaki H Kardia
Arxaio Theatro Oiniadwn
Aitolia Kai Akarnania, GR
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Giwta Negka - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Parko Afidnwn
Afidnai, GR
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Mario Frangoulis - Mikro Nisaki H Kardia
Festival Amarousiou
Maroussi, GR
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Mario Frangoulis - Mikro Nisaki H Kardia
Villa Zografou
Athens, GR
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Giwta Negka
Frontzou Ε.Η.Μ. Theatre
Iwannina, GR
Monday, June 19, 2017
Mario Frangoulis
Private Event
Nicosia, CY
Friday, June 9, 2017
Giota Nega
Technopolis - City of Athens
Athens, Greece
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Giota Nega
Nicosia, Cyprus
Friday, May 5, 2017
Giota Nega
Sto Perama
Limassol, Cyprus
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Mario Frangoulis - So In Love
Megaron Athens Concert Hall
Athens, Greece
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Giota Nega
Mylos Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki, Greece
Friday, April 7, 2017
Giota Nega
Lab Art
Volos, Greece
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Giota Nega
Mylos Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki, Greece
Friday, March 31, 2017
Giota Nega
Myrovolos Anoixis
Kavala, Greece
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Giota Nega - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Stayros Tou Notou + (plus)
Athens, Greece
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Mario Frangoulis - Sing Me An Angel
Harvard University, Sanders Theatre
Harvard, MA
Friday, March 24, 2017
Παύλος Παυλίδης: Strings & Voices
Gazarte (Main Stage)
Athens, Greece
Friday, March 24, 2017
Felice Pomeranz
Philippos Nakas Conservatory
Athens, Greece
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Felice Pomeranz
Philippos Nakas Conservatory
Athens, Greece
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Felice Pomeranz
Camac Paris Harp Salon
Paris, France
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Giota Nega - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Stayros Tou Notou + (plus)
Athens, Greece
Friday. March 24, 2017
Giota Nega - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Σταση ΕΡΤ
Athens, Greece
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Giota Nega - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Stayros Tou Notou + (plus)
Athens, Greece
Friday, March 10, 2017
Παύλος Παυλίδης: Strings & Voices
Gazarte (Main Stage)
Athens, Greece
Friday, March 10, 2017
Giota Nega
Royal Theater (Παλαιό Πτωχοκομείο)
Patra, Greece
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Giota Nega - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Stayros Tou Notou + (plus)
Athens, Greece
Friday, March 3, 2017
Παύλος Παυλίδης: Strings & Voices
Gazarte (Main Stage)
Athens, Greece
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Παύλος Παυλίδης: Strings & Voices [Private Event]-
Gazarte (Main Stage)
Athens, Greece
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Giota Nega - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Stayros Tou Notou + (plus)
Athens, Greece
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
George Perris - Ηλιοφάνεια
Alfa Theatre/Ιδέα
Athens, Greece
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Giota Nega - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Stayros Tou Notou + (plus)
Athens, Greece
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
George Perris - Ηλιοφάνεια
Alfa Theatre/Ιδέα
Athens, Greece
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
George Perris - Hλιοφάνεια
Royal Theatre
Thessaloniki, Greece
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Giota Nega - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Stayros Tou Notou + (plus)
Athens, Greece
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Giota Nega - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Stayros Tou Notou + (plus)
Athens, Greece
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Antonis Priftis Gypsy Swing Quartet
Athens, Greece
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Giwta Negka - Ta Tragoudia Pou Les
Giannitsa, GR
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Giota Nega
Xwra Artland
Leleïka Ypatis, Lamia, Greece
Friday, December 30, 2016
Giota Nega
To Rema
Drama, Greece
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Antonis Priftis Gypsy Swing Quartet
O Podilatos
Tavros, Athens
Friday, December 23, 2016
Giota Nega
Odos Oneiron
Chalkida, Greece
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Christmas Jazz Live
Maroussi, Athens
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Goran Bregovic & Giota Nega - Athens Music Festival
Diogenis Studio
Athens, Greece
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Antonis Priftis Gypsy Swing Quartet
Athens, Greece
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Eleftheria Arvanitaki
Private Event
Moscow, Russia
Monday, November 21, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
Strovolos Municipal Theatre
Nicosia, Cyprus
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
Patichion Municipal Theatre
Limassol, Cyprus
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
Patichion Municipal Theatre
Limassol, Cyprus
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Tilemachos Moussas & Alexander Trampas Duet
Athens, Greece
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Mediterranea
Odeon of Herodes Atticus
Athens, Greece
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
Alkazar Theatre
Larissa, Greece
Monday, September 5, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
Xwra Artland
Lamia, Greece
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
Municipal Stadium
Aegina, Greece
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
The Old Fortress
Corfu, Greece
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
Eastern Moat Theatre
Crete, Greece
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
Nikos Kazantzakis Theatre
Crete, Greece
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
Port of Bouka
Kasos, Greece
Friday, August 12, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
Medieval Moat Theatre
Rhodes, Greece
Monday, September 26, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
Theatre of the Earth
Thessalonikh, Greece
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
Veroia Festival - "Eyhxh Polh"
Veroia, Greece
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
Veakeio Theatre
Pireas, Greece
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
Andros Theatre
Andros, Kyklades, Greece
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
Open Air National Theatre EIM - Frontzou
Ioannina, Greece
Monday, June 13, 2016
Mario Frangoulis & George Perris: Kivotos
Horos Sfageion
Patra, Greece
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Leonardo Hernandez Mejia Trio
Country Club Park
Covington, LA
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Kris Tokarski Duo
The Bombay Club
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Gio Blackmon Quintet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Thaïsa Olivia Sings in New Orleans
Café Istanbul
New Orleans, LA
Friday, April 29, 2016
Gio Blackmon Quintet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Hilary Johnson Trio
Rest from Fests BBQ
New Orleans, LA
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Ashlae Blume
Live Oak Cafe
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Jeanne-Marie Harris Quartet
Old Point Bar
New Orleans, LA
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Oscar Rossignoli Duo
The Bombay Club
New Orleans, LA
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Kris Tokarski Duo
The Bombay Club
New Orleans, LA
Friday, January 29, 2016
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Kris Tokarski Duo
The Bombay Club
New Orleans, LA
Friday, January 15, 2016
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Friday, January 1, 2016
Meryl Zimmerman Trio
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Meryl Zimmerman Quartet
The Bombay Club
New Orleans, LA
Tuesday, December 23, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Friday, December 18, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Smokey Robinson & Mario Frangoulis - Voices For Veterans
The Peabody Opera House
Saint Louis, MO
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Shawn Myers Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Friday, November 13, 2015
Kris Tokarski Trio
The Bombay Club
New Orleans, LA
Monday, November 9, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Jeremy Davis Quartet
Antoine's Restaurant
New Orleans, LA
Friday, November 6, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Friday, October 30, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Kris Tokarski Duo
The Bombay Club
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Kris Tokarski Duo
The Bombay Club
New Orleans, LA
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Monday, October 5, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Monday, September 28, 2015
Kris Tokarski Duo
The Bombay Club
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Aura Jazz Trio
Private Event
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Friday, August 28, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Meryl Zimmerman
Private Event
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Kris Tokarski Trio
The Bombay Club
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Oscar Rossignioli Trio
Bacchanal Wines
New Orleans, LA
Monday, August 3, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Friday, July 31, 2015
Kris Tokarski Trio
The Bombay Club
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Greek Music Ensemble
Outside The Box
Boston, MA
Friday, July 10, 2015
Gio Blackmon Quartet
Yuki Izakaya
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Kris Tokarski featuring Rex Gregory
The Bombay Club
New Olreans, LA
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Galanakis & Trampas Duo
Athan's Bakery
Brighton, MA
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Galanakis & Trampas Duo
Athan's Bakery
Brighton, MA
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Greek Music Ensemble - Manos & Mikis
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Brockton, Massachussetts
Brockton, MA
Friday, March 20, 2015
Greek Taverna Night
Ain El Khassfeh
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Mario Frangoulis - The Heart of Greece
Al Bustan Hotel
Monday, January 26, 2015
Kris Tokarski Duo
The Bombay Club
New Orleans, LA
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Live and Let Die - A Symphonic Tribute to the Music of Paul McCa
The Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts
Worcester, MA
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Veronica Robles Y Su Mariachi
Iglesia de San Bartolomé - The Virgin of Guadalupe Service
Providence, RI
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Veronica Robles Y Su Mariachi
Iglesia de San Bartolomé - The Virgin of Guadalupe Serenade
Providence, RI
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Greek Rebetiko Trio Plus
Athan's Bakery
Brighton, MA
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Cloud Ludum and Mysteria Ways
Old South Church: Guild Room, 4th floor
Boston, MA 02116
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Aura Jazz Trio
O-Sushi Restaurant & Bar
Cambridge, MA
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Cloud Ludum: Opensound Concert Series
Third Life Studios
Somerville, MA
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Aura Jazz Trio
The Hotel Commonwealth
Boston, MA
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Aura Jazz Trio
O-Sushi Restaurant & Bar
Cambridge, MA
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Mario Frangoulis: Life is Love
BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center
New York, NY, 10007
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Greek Rebetiko Trio Plus: Philippides Award Gala
Terrace on the Park
New York, NY 11368
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Mario Frangoulis: SImple Miracles - Special Guest: Mayeli Burgue
Hanover Theatre
Worcester, MA
Friday, October 10, 2014
Mario Fragoulis and George Perris in Concert
ATO Congresium
06510 Çankaya, Ankara
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Mario Fragoulis and George Perris in Concert
TİM Maslak Show Center
Darüşşafaka Kampüsü Yanı, Istanbul 34457
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Mario Fragoulis and George Perris in Concert
ICP 2014: Bangkog's 16th International Festival of Dance and Mus
Bangkok 10320
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Mario Frangoulis: Fundraising Event for St.Catherine's School
Ktima Nasioutzik
Athens, Greece
Friday, September 5, 2014
Mario Frangoulis: Sing me an Angel. Guest Stars: Sissel & Stefan
Herod Atticus Odeon
Athens, Greece
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Aura Jazz Trio
O-Sushi Restaurant & Bar
Cambridge, MA
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Aura Jazz Trio
O-Sushi Restaurant & Bar
Cambridge, MA
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Veronica Robles Y Su Mariachi
Museum of Fine Arts, The Elaine and Jerome Rosenfeld Concerts in
Boston, MA, 02115
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Cloud Ludum "Free To Play" Album Release Party
The Lily Pad
Cambridge, MA 02139
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Alexander Trampas - Georgios Galanakis Duo
O-Sushi Restaurant & Bar
Cambridge, MA
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Veronica Robles Y Su Mariachi - East Providence Heritage Festive
Pierce Memorial Field
East Providence, RI
Friday, July 4, 2014
Veronica Robles Y Su Mariachi
Machester by the Sea 4th of July Parade
Manchester by the Sea, MA
Monday, June 16, 2014
Clouds and Threads: An Evening with Thread Ensemble and Cloud Lu
Arts at the Armory Café
Somerville, MA
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Cambridge College Commencement Ceremony
Blue Hills Bank Pavillion
Boston, MA
Saturday, May 31, 2014
The Greek Music Ensemble
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Brockton, Mass
Brokton, MA
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Greek Rebetiko Trio PLUS
New York, NY
Saturday, May 10, 2014
The Greek Music Ensemble
The Newton Marriot
Newton, MA
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Veronica Robles Y Su Mariachi
Loring Elementary School
Sudbury, MA
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Songs of the Greek Underground & Lost Homelands: A Look at the H
Arts At The Armory Café
Somerville, MA
Friday, April 25, 2014
Youth Concert
Annunciation Cathedral of New England-Anastasia and Spiro Davis
Boston, MA
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Veronica Robles Y Su Mariachi
Veronica Robles Cultural Center
East Boston, MA
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Cloud Ludum
Boston National Poetry Month
Boston, MA
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Veronica Robles Y Su Mariachi
John Hardy Elementary School
Wellesley, MA
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Cloud Ludum
King's Chapel
Boston, MA
Monday, April 7, 2014
Mario Frangoulis
The Harris Theatre
Chicago, Il
Friday, April 4, 2014
Mario Frangoulis
The Nourse Theatre
San Fransisco, CA 94115
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Jenn Allen Senior Master's Recital
New England Conservatory
Boston, MA
March 24, 2014
Greek Music Ensemble
Berklee Performance Center
Boston, MA
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Mario Frangoulis
Rose Theatre
New York, NY, 10023
Friday, March 21, 2014
Mario Frangoulis
Rose Theatre
New York, NY, 10023
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Cloud Ludum
Lilypad Inman
Inman Square, Cambridge, MA
Monday, March 3, 2014
6th Berklee Middle Eastern Festival: The Music of Armenia
Berklee Performance Center - Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
Friday, February 28, 2014
Armenian Music Clinc, Presented by Christiane Karam
Recital Hall 1A, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
Friday, February 28, 2014
Dark Eyes/New Eyes: A Journey in Armenian Music
Berk Recital Hall-1A Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
Friday, February 21, 2014
Vassilios Kostas Recital
Oliver Colvin Recital Hall-1W - Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Cloud Ludum
Third Sunday Concert Series, Bentley University - Koumantzelis A
Waltham, MA
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Cloud Ludum at Berklee High School Jazz Festival 2014
Hynes Convention Center – Berklee Showcase Room, Ballroom A, T
Boston, MA
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Cloud Ludum - Paper-Scissors-Stone–Interactive Contemporary Mu
Gallery 263
Cambridge, MA
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Veronica Robles Y Su Mariachi
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
Boston, MA
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Veronica Robles Y Su Mariachi
Walker Memorial at MIT
Cambridge, MA
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Foundations Of Singing With Soul, Directed By Larry Watson
David Friend Recital Hall
Boston, MA
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Stage Performance Workshop II, Directed by Larry Watson
David Friend Recital Hall - Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Veronica Robles Y Su Mariachi
American Legion
Newton, MA
Friday, November 15, 2013
Cloud Ludum & Canvas Sounds
Xibus Performance Hall
Cambridge, MA
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Power 50–Most Influential Bostonians–Boston Business Journal
The Warf Room at Boston Harbor Hotel
Boston, MA
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Alex Baboian Trio
Private Function at Hotel Commonwealth
Boston, MA
October 26, 2013
Greek Music Ensemble
Greek orthodox cathedral of New England–Hellenic Association o
Boston, MA
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Fughetta In Vogue Orchestra
Kindred Harborlights Assisted living
South Boston, MA
October 12, 2013
Greek Music Ensemble
The Maliotis Cultural Center
Brookline, MA
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Veronica Robles Y Su Mariachi
Mission Cantina
Brookline, MA
September 28, 2013
Greek Music Ensemble
Greek orthodox cathedral of New England–Hellenic Association o
Boston, MA
September 27, 2013
Greek Music Ensemble
Greek orthodox cathedral of New England–Hellenic Association o
Boston, MA
June 8, 2013
Mario Frangoulis
The George Washington University Lisner Auditorium
Washington, DC
June 6, 2013
Mario Frangoulis
Berklee Performance Center
Boston, MA
June 2, 2013
Mario Frangoulis
Théâtro Rialto
Montréal, QC
May 31, 2013
Mario Frangoulis
The Fox Theatre
Detroit, MI
May 16, 2013
Mario Frangoulis LIVE on tour as told by his band and fans
"One Voice from Africa ... to the World" – Kenneth Hieber
May 11, 2013
Mario Franoulis
Pasadena Civic Auditorium
Pasadena, CA
April 13, 2013
The HARP CONNECTION Presents A Masterclass–Carol Robbins
The Alma Berg Recital Hall – Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
April 7, 2013
Saki Kurata Marimba Recital
Studio 401, Boston Conservatory
Boston, MA
April 5, 2013
Greek Music Ensemble
TSAI Performance Center at BU
Boston, MA
October 25, 2012
Greek Music Ensemble
Berklee Performance Center - Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
March 2, 2013
Michael Wartofsky Living Room Series
Michael Wartofsky's Living Room
February 28, 2013
Improvising for the Harp Clinic with Felice Pomeranz
ASTA Conference – Omni Hotel
Providence, RI
February 25, 2013
Harp Extravaganza X
Alma Berg Recital Hall - Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
January 29, 2013
Inna Dudukina
Berklee Performance Center – Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
January 29, 2013
Cloud Ludum - Free Structures, Evolving
Berklee Performance Center – Berklee Colege Of Music
Boston, MA
January 27, 2013
Cloud Ludum–Longy Laboratory experimental music concert series
The Lilypad
Cambridge, MA
December 8, 2012
Cloud Ludum
Xibus Performance Hall - Cambridge Performing Arts Center
Cambridge, MA
December 7, 2012
Moira Lo Bianco
AIC Boston
Boston, MA
December 1, 2012
Standardized Testing - The Musical!!!!
Greene Theatre, Emerson College
Boston, MA
December 1, 2012
Standardized Test - The Musical!!!!
Greene Theatre, Emerson College
Boston, MA
November 30, 2012
Standardized Testing - The Musical!!!!
Greene Theatre, Emerson College
Boston, MA
November 30, 2012
Standardized Testing - The Musical!!!!
Greene Theatre, Emerson College
Boston, MA
November 29, 2012
Standardized Testing - The Musical!!!!
Greene Theatre, Emerson College
Boston, MA
November 29, 2012
Inna Dudukina Senior Recital: Impressiona And Daydreams
Café 939 - Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
October 27, 2012
Anastasiya Dumma: Teirkreis by Karlheinz Stockhausen
Outpost 186
Cambridge, MA
October 2, 2012
Anastasiya Dumma: Teirkreis by Karlheinz Stockhausen
Berklee Performance Center - Berklee Colege of Music
Boton, MA
September 30, 2010
Boston Harp Festival - College Harpists In Concert
First Church Boston
Boston, MA
September 29, 2012
Boston Harp Festival - Workshop: Freedom From The Page
First Church Boston
Boston, MA
June 28, 2012
Bobby Keyes Trio
The Beehive
Boston, MA
June 18 to September 2, 2012
Car Talk: The Musical
Central Square Theatre
Cambridge, MA
May 27, 2012
Bobby Keyes Trio
Ellacoya Barn & Grill
Gilford, NH
May 19, 2012
The Swing Thieves
Private Event
Provincetown, MA
May 9, 2012
Video Game Choir and Orchestra in Concert
The Old South Church
Boston, MA
April 25, 2012
An International Salute to Roman Totenberg
TSAI Performance Center at Boston University
Boston, MA
April 19, 2012
The Swing Thieves
French Cultural Center
Boston, MA
April 8, 2012
Anastasiya Dumma: Mikrokosmos
Recital Hall 1A, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
March 31, 2012
Nati Blankett Trio
Private Event
March 14, 2012
The Swing Thieves at: Mais Oui! Volume II - Official Francophoni
Boston, MA
March 10, 2012
Private Event
Jamaica Plain, MA
February 17, 2012
Mario Frangoulis
Private Event
Santo Domingo
February 11, 2012
The Greek Music Ensemble for Leadership 100
Ritz-Carlton Hotel, West Palm Beach
West Palm Beach, FL
February 10, 2012
Mario Frangoulis for the Leadership 100
Harriet Himmel Theater
West Palm Beach, FL
February 9, 2012
The Greek Music Ensemble for the Leadership 100
Ritz-Carlton Hotel, West Palm Beach
Manalapan, Florida
February 4, 2012
Boston String Players Conducted By Motoki Tanaka
First Church Cambridge
Cambridge, MA
January 31, 2012
Jenn Allen +9 Senior Recital
Berklee Performance Center - Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
December 5, 2011
Nathan Blankett Trio
Private Event - Fundraiser
Needham, MA
December 3, 2011
Mario Frangoulis
Blackman Theater, Northeastern University in Boston
Boston, MA
November 17, 2011
Inna Dudukina Recital
Recital Hall 1W, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
November 10, 2011
Jam Session at Nakas Cafe
Philippos Nakas Cafe
Athens, Greece
October 27, 2011
The Greek Music Ensemble-Manos & Mikis Greek Concert
TSAI Performance Center at the Boston University
Boston, MA
October 25, 2011
Private Event - The Greek Music Ensemble
Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Boston, MA
October 17, 2011
Anastasiya Dumma: The Spirit
Berklee Performance Center - Berklee Coleege of Music
Boston, MA
October 4, 2011
Jen Allen Group
Berk Recital Hall - 1A-1140, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
September 18, 2011
Boston String Players at the Opening Celebration for the new Lin
Museum of Fine Arts
Boston, MA
September 4, 2011
The Chicken Thieves
French Cultural Center
Boston, MA
August 21, 2011
Zac Zinger Quartet
Spectacle Island
Boston, MA
July 31, 2011
Tom Wandell Trio
Blue on Highland
Needham, MA
July 28, 2011
The Yes/No/Maybe Septet
The Berklee Caf
Boston, MA
July 20, 2011
Boston String Players - Music for Film: A Celebration of Bernard
The Brattle Theatre
Cambridge, MA
June 8, 2011
Jen Allen Group
Recital Hall 1W, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
April 24, 2011
Giuseppe Paradiso trio
First Baptist Church in Jamaica plain
Jamaica Plain, MA
April 4, 2011
Boston String Players First Gala Fundraiser Concert, Directed by
First Church in Boston
Boston, MA
March 24, 2011
International Folk Music Festival
Berklee Performance Center - Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
March 17, 2011
Tetsuro Hoshi Trio + Guest
Vapiano Restaurant
Boston, MA
March 11, 2011
Harp Extravaganza VII - Harpists in Recital
Berk Recital Hall - 1A-1140, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
March 10, 2011
Tetsuro Hoshii Trio
Vapiano Restaurant
Boston, Ma
March 3, 2011
Tetsuro Hoshii Trio
Vapiano Restaurant
Boston, MA
February 25, 2011
Anastasiya Dumma: For the Beauty of the World
Berk Recital Hall - 1A-1140, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
February 23, 2011
Alex Baboian - Ludmilla Stefanikova - Alex Trampas
The Fireplace Restaurant
Brookline, MA
February 9, 2011
The Jenn Allen Quartet at the Al Natale Scholarship Concert
David Friend Recital Hall
Boston, MA
January 2, 2011
Madame Reunion
Live at my Living Room
Anixi, Athens
December 12, 2010
Video Game Music Club Choir and Chamber Orchestra
First Church of Boston
Boston, MA
December 4, 2010
Boston String Players concert No.7
First Church in Boston
Boton, MA
December 2, 2010
Chiwei Ho Jazz Composition Portfolio Recital
Recital Hall 1W, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
Moon Cherri
The Berklee Caf
Boston, MA
November 17, 2010
Seaport World Trade Center
Boston, MA
November 16, 2010
The Chicken Thieves at Jazz Guitar Night
Berklee Performance Center. Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
November 12, 2010
Jazz Comp Co-Op Big Band
Recital Hall 1A, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
November 11, 2010
Alex Baboian Trio
The Sugarbowl Cafe
Dorchestrer, MA
November 9, 2010
Les Voleurs de Poules - The Chicken Thieves
French-American Chamber of Commerce
Boston, MA
October 23, 2010
The Greek Music Ensemble
The Greek Orthodox Cathedral Center
Brookline, MA
October 17, 2010
The Greek Music Ensemble
Grecian Echoes - Unplugged at WNTN 1550
Newton, MA
October 17, 2010
The Chicken Thieves-Les Voleurs des Poules
Atwood's Tavern
Cambridge, MA
Saturday, October 16, 2010
The Chicken Thieves-Les Voleurs de Poules
Jalopy Theater
Brooklyn, NY
October 11, 2010
Les Voleurs de Poules - The Chicken Thieves
Matt Murphy's
Brookline, MA
October 10, 2010
The Greek Music Ensemble
Grecian Echoes - Unplugged at WNTN 1550
Newton, MA
October 9, 2010
Dance Complex at the Julie Ince Thompson Theatre
Cambridge, MA
October 8, 2010
Dance Complex at the Julie Ince Thompson Theatre
Cambridge, MA
October 3, 2010
Harper's Ferry
Allston, MA
October 2, 2010
The Greek Music Ensemble
The Maliotis Cultural Center
Brookline, MA
October 1, 2010
The Ben Powell Quartet at the 15th anniversary of "Says You"
September 22, 2010
The Greek Music Ensemble - Echoes of the Hellenic Musical Herita
Tsai Performance Center, Boston University
Boston, MA
September 9, 2010
Private Event
Habitat Education Center and Wildlife Sanctuary
Belmont, MA
August 29, 2010
Entering Student Convocation & Concert
Berklee Performance Center, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
August 29, 2010
Entering Student Convocation & Concert
Berklee Performance Center, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
July 30, 2010
Kentaro Suguyama Jazz Composition Portfolio Recital
Recital Hall 1A, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
July 26, 2010
Les Voleurs des Poules - Regatta Bar Berklee Courtyard Series
Regatta Bar
Cambridge, MA
July 21, 2010
Les Voleurs de Poules
Private Event
Boston, MA
July 20, 2010
Alexander Trampas Senior Bass Recital
Recital Hall 1A, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
July 12, 2010
Kris Tokarski Sextet
Recital Hall 1A, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
July 11, 2010
Les Voleurs de Poules
Spectacle Island - Berklee College of Music
Quincy, MA
July 10, 2010
Tom Wandel Trio
Sugarbowl Cafe
Dorchester, MA
July 10, 2010
Les Voleurs de Poules
Bastille Day
Cambridge, MA
July 7, 2010
Joe LoFaro Jazz Composition Portfolio Recital
Recital Hall 1A, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
June 26, 2010
Anna Fan Quartet
Private Event
Boston, MA
June 26, 2010
Les Voleurs des Poules
Taste of Cambridge - Charles Hotel
Cambridge, MA
June 21, 2010
Les Voleurs de Poules
Consulate General of France in Boston: The BEM Monge in Boston (
Boston, MA
June 19, 2010
Tiziano Bianchi Quintet
Make Music Cambridge
Cambridge, MA
June 19, 2010
Les Voleurs de Poules
Make Music Cambridge
Cambridge, MA
June 14, 2010
Jenn Allen Quintet
The Jordan Boys and Girls Center
Chelsea, MA
June 10, 2010
Fernando's Recital - Just for Fun
Recital Hall 1W, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
June 4, 2010
Project K-Paz
Rockwood Music Hall
New York, NY
May 30, 2010
Alex Baboian and Alexander Trampas Duo
Private Event
Belmont Cambridge, MA
May 29, 2010
Anna Fan Quartet
Chau Chow City Restaurant - Private Event
Boston, MA
May 15, 2010
Mario Frangoulis - George Perris: The light of Greece
Lyria Opera House
Baltimore, MD
May 15, 2010
Mario Frangoulis - George Perris: The Light of Greece
Sanders Theatre, Harvard University
Harvard, MA
May 4, 2010
Mariletta Konstantara Senior Recital
Phoenix Landing
Cambridge, MA
May 4, 2010
The Berklee Concert Jazz Orchestra, Directed by Greg Hopkins
Berklee Performance Center Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
May 2, 2010
Mario Frangoulis & Friends - Give Us Your Poor: The Campaign To
Jazz at the Lincoln Center, The Allen Room-Frederick P.Rose Hall
New York, NY
April 30, 2010
Mario Frangoulis & Friends - Give Us Your Poor: The Campaign To
Jazz at the Lincoln Center, The Allen Room-Frederick P.Rose Hall
New York, NY
April 21, 2010
Paul Elmen Ensemble
Recital Hall 1W, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
April 18, 2010
Mario Frangoulis - George Perris: The light of Greece
North Shore Center for the Performing Arts
Skokie, Chicago, IL
April 15, 2010
Boston String Players Conducted by Motoki Tanaka
Church of the Covenant
Boston, MA
April 15, 2010
The Performance and Analysis of Bebop Ensemble, Conducted by Gre
Ryles Jazz Club
Harvard, MA
April 9, 2010
Hiromi Sugahara Senior Recital - "When the Dawn Breaks"
Recital Hall 1A, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
April 6, 2010
Joseph LoFaro Senior Piano Recital
Recital Hall 1A, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
April 2, 2010
Alexander Trampas Jazz Composition Portfolio Recital
Recital Hall 1W, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
March 31, 2010
Jazz Comp CO-OP Big Band recital
Recital Hall 1A, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
March 26, 2010
Pablo Vallejos Senior Recital
Recital Hall 1A, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
March 1, 2010
Harp Extravaganza
Recital Hall 1A, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
February 24, 2010
Kris Tokarski Quintet
Recital Hall 1W, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
February 20, 2010
Les Voleurs des Poules - Europeans In Boston
Bo Concept
Cambridge, MA
February 10, 2010
Tetsuro Hoshii Quintet
1W Recital Hall at Berklee College of Music
Boston Ma
February 4, 2010
Roots And Reason - The Ricardo Monzon Trio
Berklee Performance Center
Boston, MA
January 7, 2010
Bob Quartet
Alavastron Cafe
11633 Athens, Greece
December 10, 2009
Anna Fan Group
Private Event
Harvard, MA
December 9, 2009
Julian Osty Senior Recital
1A Recital Hall at Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
December 6, 2009
Boston String Players Concert Conducted By Motoki Tanaka
First Church In Boston Sanctuary
Boston, MA
December 4, 2009
Scott Ouellette Trio with Anna Fan
Private Event
Andover, MA
November 5, 2009
Les Voleurs de Poules
Arnold World-Wide offices at the Prudential Center
Boston, MA
November 3, 2009
Les Voleurs de Poules
Cafe 939, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
November 3, 2009
Momo Ishikawa Marimba Trio
Recital Hall 1W, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
October 17, 2009
Katerina Polemis Duet at the 15th Annual Gala-Berklee College of
Boston Park Plaza Hotel
Boston, MA
October 14, 2009
Kris Tokarski Quintet
Recital Hall 1W, Berklee College of Music
Boston, MA
No structure | The Wavesclick here for more info
The Pocket Jazz Orchestra MySpace pagehttp://www.myspace.com/jazzpocket
Cloud LudumLed by Anastasiya Dumma and Olga Karaseva, Cloud Ludum is a third-stream/free improv project that features many talented musicians on music of some of the most important composers of the XX century.http://www.cloudludum.com/
Kris TokarskiPianist of the Pocket Jazz Orchestrahttp://www.kristokarski.com
Alisa AprelevaRussian singer, composer, multiinstrumentalist, producer, musica therapist, and poet.http://www.apreleva.com/
Bad Storm Studio | Smokin' GioBad Storm Studio in New Orleans, LAclick here for more info
PRESCRIPTIONS | lawrence Watsonhttps://www.lawrencewatson.com/journey
Voices for Veterans | Concerts & Action to End Veteran HomelessnessConcerts and action using the power of music to permanently house homeless veterans by engaging celebrity musicians to raise awareness, funds, and volunteerism.http://www.vfvconcerts.org/
Car Talk: The Musicalclick here for more info
The Greek Music EnsembleThe Greek Music Ensemble is a Boston-based group of professional musicians who are committed to the critical interpretation and high quality performance of Greek Art Music (΄Εντεχνη Ελληνική Μουσική). We aspire to promote Greek Art Music as part of the World Music scene. To this end, we perform selected genres of Greek music that have informed and shaped the history of Greek twentieth century Art Music.​http://www.grmusicensemble.com/
Madame on Myspacehttp://www.myspace.com/madameband
Les Voleurs des Poules(The Chicken Thieves)http://www.chickenthieves.com
Alexander Trampas on MySpaceVisit Alex's MySpace Profilehttp://www.myspace.com/atrampas
Alexander Trampas on MySpaceMy old MySpace Page. There is some music and a tree in it.https://myspace.com/thisismymind
Bob Quartet on MySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/bobquartet
Oldhouse Playgroundhttp://oldhouseplayground.com/
Soundscape 2007http://www.soundscape2007.com
Hitomi Taguchi "Harusame"Trumpetist Hitomi Taguchi presents her first album "Harusame" featuring original compositions by Hitomi. Trumpet: Hitomi Taguchi Tenor Sax: Jordan Maley Keyboard: Kris Tokarski Bass: Alexander Tranpas Drums: Jun Nishijima http://www.hitomitaguchi.com/http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/hitomitaguchi
G. Edward Lutherie Inc.Home of the Eminence Bass (removable neck). G. Edward Lutherie 1620 Central Ave. NE, Suite 232 (letters) / Suite 102 (boxes) Minneapolis, MN 55413 800-741-3045 info@gelbass.comhttp://www.gelbass.com/
Gollihur MusicUpright Bass Pickups, Mics, and Preamplifiershttp://www.gollihur.com/
K-Paz ProjectVisit Alex's page on the K-Paz Projecthttp://projectkpaz.com/alex-t
Aestheticize MediaWeb/Graphic Designhttp://www.aestheticize.com
For more info about booking and other projects
please send an email to:
Alexander Trampas
Ma Berceuse
Lee Cherry
Lefteris Andriotis (Cretan Lyre)
Garry Potter (guitar, production)
N Geo (bass, production)
Alexander Trampas
This Is New Shit
sequenced by Alexander Trampas
Charles Mingus
Peggy's Blue Skylight
arr. A. Trampas
Konstantins Jemelianovs (tpt), Zac Zinger (a&s.s), Jordan Maley (a.s), Niki Mariskanish (t.s), Alex Brian Chilag (trb), Leon Cotter (b.s), Kris Tokarski (p), Alexander Trampas (b), Bruno Esrublinsky (dr),K. Marie Kim (Sound Engineer)
Alexander Trampas
String Quartet No.2
Esterhazy String Quartet
Performed by the Esterhazy String Quartet
Eva Szekely (Vln 1), Greg Vitale (Vln 2), Leslie Perna (Vla), Darry Dolezal (Vcl)
Duke Ellington
Fleurette Africaine
arr. A. Trampas
Berklee Concert Jazz Orchestra (Spring 2010)
Directed by Greg Hopkins
Kazuyo Kuriya (fl), Hailey Niswanger, Ben Allen (a.s), Oleg Ostapchuk, Chris Weller (t.s), Ben Whiting (b.s.), Matt Joseph, Chris Rymes, David Neves, Aaron Bahr (tp), Ryan Dragon, Devin Riley, Tyler Ginsberg (trb), Quinn Carson (b.trb), Alex Wintz (g), Takeshi Onbayashi (p). Greg Chaplin (b), Mark Whitefield Jr (dr)
Django Reinhardt/Stephane Grappelli
Ben Powell (vln), Jonathan Joubert (g), Julien Machet (g), Fabian Aubry (g), ALexander Trampas (b)
Alexander Trampas
Konstantins Jemelianovs (tpt), Zac Zinger (a&s.s), Jordan Maley (a.s), Niki Mariskanish (t.s), Alex Brian Chilag (trb), Leon Cotter (b.s), Kris Tokarski (p), Alexander Trampas (b), Bruno Esrublinsky (dr), Jesse Shane Gallagher (sound engineer)
Dizzy Gillespie
A Night in Tunisia
arr. A. Trampas
Konstantins Jemelianovs (tpt), Zac Zinger (a&s.s), Jordan Maley (a.s), Niki Mariskanish (t.s), Alex Brian Chilag (trb), Leon Cotter (b.s), Kris Tokarski (p), Alexander Trampas (b), Bruno Esrublinsky (dr)
Alexander Trampas
70's Chase Groove
sequenced by Alexander Trampas
Django Reinhardt
Danse Norvégienne
Fantaisie (from Danse Norvegiénne by E.Grieg)
Ben Powell (vln), Jonathan Joubert (g), Julien Machet (g), Fabian Aubry (g), Alexander Trampas (b)
Brian Eno
from Madame







Παύλος Παυλίδης | Strings & Voices | gazarte 3 & 1
Παύλος Παυλίδης | Strings & Voices
11 άτομα επί σκηνής συνθέτουν τη νέα μουσική πρόταση του Παύλου Παυλίδη. Βιολί, βιόλα, βιολοντσέλο από το κουαρτέτο Aenaon 4tet της Κρατικής Ορχήστρας Αθηνών, οι fonέs, το συγκρότημα της Μαρίνας Σάττι, keybords και κιθάρα δημιουργούν ένα μοναδικό μουσικό σύνολο.
Ο Παύλος... αλλιώς. Τον Μάρτιο για 2 βραδιές, μόνο στο gazarte.

Παίζουν οι μουσικοί:
Μαρίνα Σάττι - vocals & live loops
Ορέστης Μπενέκας - keyboards, vocals
Αλέκος Βουλγαράκης - guitars

Ελένη Ποζατζίδου
Βιργινία Φραγκούλατζη
Ερασμία Μαρκίδη

Aenaon 4tet της Κρατικής Ορχήστρας Αθηνών
Γιώργος Μάνδυλας, βιολί
Βασίλης Σούκας, βιολί
Μάνος Γουβέλης, βιόλα
Αστέριος Πούφτης, βιολοντσέλο

Ενορχήστρωση εγχόρδων
Αλέξανδρος Τράμπας

Βασίλης Κεχαγιάς

Οργάνωση Παραγωγής
Βασίλης Μπακατσής

Παύλος Παυλίδης - Tα δέντρα | Official vide
Παύλος Παυλίδης | Strings & Voices.
11 άτομα επί σκηνής συνθέτουν τη νέα μουσική πρόταση του Παύλου Παυλίδη. Βιολί, βιόλα, βιολοντσέλο από το κουαρτέτο Aenaon 4tet της Κρατικής Ορχήστρας Αθηνών, οι fonέs, το συγκρότημα της Μαρίνας Σάττι, keybords και κιθάρα δημιουργούν ένα μοναδικό μουσικό σύνολο.
Παίζουν οι μουσικοί:
Μαρίνα Σάττι - vocals & live loops
Ορέστης Μπενέκας - keyboards, vocals
Αλέκος Βουλγαράκης - guitars

Ελένη Ποζατζίδου
Βιργινία Φραγκούλατζη
Ερασμία Μαρκίδη

Aenaon 4tet της Κρατικής Ορχήστρας Αθηνών
Γιώργος Μάνδυλας, βιολί
Βασίλης Σούκας, βιολί
Μάνος Γουβέλης, βιόλα
Αστέριος Πούφτης, βιολοντσέλο

Ενορχήστρωση εγχόρδων
Αλέξανδρος Τράμπας

Βασίλης Κεχαγιάς

Οργάνωση Παραγωγής
Βασίλης Μπακατσής

Παύλος Παυλίδης - Tα περιστέρια | Offic
Παύλος Παυλίδης | Strings & Voices.
11 άτομα επί σκηνής συνθέτουν τη νέα μουσική πρόταση του Παύλου Παυλίδη. Βιολί, βιόλα, βιολοντσέλο από το κουαρτέτο Aenaon 4tet της Κρατικής Ορχήστρας Αθηνών, οι fonέs, το συγκρότημα της Μαρίνας Σάττι, keybords και κιθάρα δημιουργούν ένα μοναδικό μουσικό σύνολο.
Παίζουν οι μουσικοί:
Μαρίνα Σάττι - vocals & live loops
Ορέστης Μπενέκας - keyboards, vocals
Αλέκος Βουλγαράκης - guitars

Ελένη Ποζατζίδου
Βιργινία Φραγκούλατζη
Ερασμία Μαρκίδη

Aenaon 4tet της Κρατικής Ορχήστρας Αθηνών
Γιώργος Μάνδυλας, βιολί
Βασίλης Σούκας, βιολί
Μάνος Γουβέλης, βιόλα
Αστέριος Πούφτης, βιολοντσέλο

Ενορχήστρωση εγχόρδων
Αλέξανδρος Τράμπας

Βασίλης Κεχαγιάς

Οργάνωση Παραγωγής
Βασίλης Μπακατσής



Travelling from Baroque to Jazz - Nature Boy & Music for a While
Jazz Baroque - Nature Boy (Cole) and Music For a While (Purcell).

Travelling from Baroque to Jazz

Using jazz as a vehicle, jazz guitarist and composer Tilemachos Moussas, vocalist Nassia Gofa, and musical saw soloist Nikos Giousef take us back to the music of the Renaissance and the Baroque. The basso continuo of Claudio Monteverdi, Henry Purcell, John Dowland, and Giovanni Battista Pergolesi is turned into walking bass, the musical saw and the theremin replace the soprano, and improvisation comes to the forefront.

A subversive performance by young musicians who stood out at the auditions inaugurated last year by the ‘Open Platforms’ of the Bridges Cycle at Megaron Athens Music Hall (Dimitris Mitropoulos Hall).

09 May 2018

Tilemachos Moussas electric guitar, theremin
Nassia Gofa vocals
Nikos Giousef musical saw

Special guests
Panos Iliopoulos harpsichord
Alexandros Trampas upright bass

With the kind participation of
Fiori-Anastasia Metallinou vocals

Sound recording, mixing: Pantelis Giatzitzoglou
Mastering: Yannis Christodoulatos, Sweetspot Productions

cam shooting: Manos Kalafatelis, Christos Lolos
Video editing: Christos Lolos

Ταξιδεύοντας από το Μπαρόκ στην Jazz

Ο τζαζ κιθαρίστας και συνθέτης Τηλέμαχος Μούσας, η τραγουδίστρια Νάσια Γκόφα και ο σολίστ του μουσικού πριονιού Νίκος Γιούσεφ μας ταξιδεύουν με όχημα την τζαζ σε μουσικές της Αναγέννησης και του Μπαρόκ. Το μπάσο κοντίνουο των Κλάουντιο Μοντεβέρντι, Χένρυ Πέρσελ, Τζον Ντόουλαντ, Τζοβάννι Μπατίστα Περγκολέζι μετατρέπεται σε walking bass, το μουσικό πριόνι παίρνει τη θέση της σοπράνο, και ο αυτοσχεδιασμός έρχεται σε πρώτο πλάνο.

Μια ανατρεπτική παράσταση, από νέους εκτελεστές και δημιουργούς οι οποίοι ξεχώρισαν στις ακροάσεις που εγκαινίασαν πέρσι οι «Ανοιχτές Πλατφόρμες» της σειράς Γέφυρες, στο Μέγαρο Αθηνών, αίθουσα Δημήτρης Μητρόπουλος.

09 Μαίου 2018

Τηλέμαχος Μούσας ηλεκτρική κιθάρα
Νάσια Γκόφα φωνή
Νίκος Γιούσεφ μουσικό πριόνι

Special guests
Πάνος Ηλιόπουλος τσέμπαλο
Αλέξανδρος Τράμπας κοντραμπάσο

Φιλική συμμετοχή
Φιόρη Αναστασία Μεταλλινού φωνή

Ηχοληψία - μίξη: Παντελής Γιατζιτζόγλου
Μαστερινκ: Γιάννης Χριστοδουλάτος Sweetspot productions

κάμερα: Μάνος Καλαφατέλης, Χρήστος Λώλος
Μοντάζ: Χρήστος Λώλος
George Perris: Playlist
Live at Cemal Resit Rey Concert Hall, Istanbul, Turkey, Feb 28, 2018

Dimitris Stasinos (g)
Stathis Soulis (kbd)
Alexander Trampas (b)
Kostas Mylonas (dr)
Arrangement by Petros Klampanis
Free improvisation based on graphic notation score by Kevin Stra
Free improvised composition based on graphic notation score by Kevin Strang. CLOUD LUDUM ensemble: Juan Garcia - soprano saxophone Saki Kurata - vibraphone A...
Vasilis Kostas - For Lena
''For Lena'' is a composition of Vasileios Kostas, dedicated to the memory of his mother Lena. The song begins and ends with a kind of air from ''another place''. This was his first inspiration and how he started to compose this piece of music.

Layth Sidiq: Violin
Vasileios Kostas: Guitar
Alexandros Trampas: Upright Bass

21/02/2014 , first recital of guitarist Vasileios Kostas at Berklee College of Music.
Vasilis Kostas - A minor
'' A minor ''
Layth Sidiq: Violin
Vasileios Kostas: Guitar
Alexander Trampas : Upright Bass

21/02/2014, first recital of guitarist Vasileios Kostas at Berklee College.
Greek Music Ensemble - Rompi Rompi
Greek Music Ensemble - Rompi Rompi


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